for use in the field (2019)
University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning, Proposition StudioProf. Lars Junghans
The project explores the reflectivity of light and how the
image of an object can be broken into four misaligned
fragments. Viewports show four frames that are scrambled
and reconfigured in the box.
Through this analog process, the viewers can experience a composition of visual effect through the apertures. Fieldwork in our environment can benefit from frame scrambling, hence the unit is for use in the field.
collaboration with Danrui Xiang
Through this analog process, the viewers can experience a composition of visual effect through the apertures. Fieldwork in our environment can benefit from frame scrambling, hence the unit is for use in the field.
collaboration with Danrui Xiang

Composed of a box, two apertures and four
ducts, each duct contains one to four mirrors, which results
in variation of scale and orientation. Light is bounced and
flipped through the ducts at varying orientations of 45° to
the viewing plane.

Waylon Richmond, Danrui Xiang 02/2019
Prof. Lars Junghans, light- environmental systems
University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning, Ann Arbor, MI, USA